You may have heard of grounding techniques, but what is it used for?
If you or a loved one have experienced trauma, chances are pretty high that you know and have used at least one grounding technique. Grounding can be helpful for a multitude of mental and physical symptoms including anxiety disorders, depression, PTSD, and even physical discomforts. In our course, we teach you how to use grounding to bring inner peace and calm. Read on for a rundown of what to expect with the basics.
So what is Grounding?
Grounding is bringing yourself back to the present.
What? I’m already here in the present, how can I be more in the present? Sounds pointless, right? But there’s a little more to it than just existing.
True grounding means bringing yourself back to the awareness of your body and mind. Being aware of what’s going on inside of yourself including your thoughts, but instead of working through and judging those thoughts, you just allow them to be there.
But how is it done?

Different strategies can be used for different types of grounding. If you find yourself feeling anxious, a simple grounding technique is the 5-4-3-2-1 Senses Technique. You can find a downloadable version below.
To use it, look around yourself, then name:
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you can smell
1 thing you can taste

Another technique is the 5-finger Breathing Technique. It’s also available as a download below, but this one can be done by using your own hand.
Hold up your least dominant hand
Take your index finger from your dominant hand and begin to trace the outline of the other hand without lifting your finger
As you trace the outside of your finger Breath In
When you reach the inside of your finger Breath Out
Continue all the way around your hand
Looking to try an exercise that’s a little more in-depth?

Here’s a short guide to our Peaceful Grounding Flow Practice. The full technique can be found in our course.
Find a space - somewhere quiet without interruptions
Set a timer - 5-10 minutes should do it
Get comfortable - bring your blanket, pillow, candle
Take notice - notice the support underneath you, and take long, deep breaths in and out
Notice your body - Starting at the top of your head, notice our your body feels all the way down
Engage your imagination - Imagine a warming or cooling sensation, the embodiment of peace within yourself
Feel the sensation - Imagine the warming or cooling sensation, flowing slowly through your body, from your head to your toes
If certain areas in your body feel more tense, spend a little more time there
Keep going - Continue until your timer ends
If you finish before the timer goes off, start from the beginning
Try them out and let us know how you’re feeling!